Sunday, September 21, 2008

And let the insanity begin!

Why in the world do I do everything I do?
Some days I really believe I've achieved balance in my life and then in one week it seems like I can't handle anything. I know I get stressed out at times, but weeks like this coming week make it a good reason to get stressed. I think all my professors conspire and make everything happen in one week. Exam, quiz, essay, presentation, service day, club event, reslife stuff (as always), and then just classes and other everyday things. I know I can do it if I take it one day at a time but I keep looking at the big picture and get to caught up in my worrying and I stop enjoying life and the time I have at school. I only get this experience once and so I'm making the most of it. Sometimes it just gets a little insane. But like I say a lot, I love to stay busy and do well under pressure. So let the insanity begin! I am proclaiming now that I will not only do well in everything but that I will enjoy myself and have fun this week!

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