It seems crazy to even call myself lazy- I mean, I have two on campus jobs that require a lot of me, I have a full course load, and am involved with some clubs on campus. Lazy is not generally the first word that pops into my mind. But the more I think about it, the more I really begin to believe it's true sometimes. I get so caught up in life and it's business that I let things fall to the wayside. The biggest of those things being my relationship with my Daddy. I get so consumed with "stuff" that when I come home I just want to relax or read or something and I let my relationship with my Father God suffer. I don't know about anyone else, but that tears at my heart. I love my Daddy and want to spend time with Him and it's really sad when life becomes so much more important. Don't get me wrong, God is number 1 in my life but I don't always act that way. I want to start making God priority over everything else and stop being lazy in that area of my life.
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