Saturday, October 18, 2008


Fall break has been this week...very relaxing :) I haven't had this kind of break since July/early August and I love it soo much!
This week I decided that I'm a little tired of school and all the same old stuff. I love school- don't get me wrong, but somedays I'm just ready to be finished already. I want to travel- I want to go back to Chile, I want to go to Ireland and many places...and I want to go into missions in a Hispanic country.
Then I get to thinking why I love school so much...When else will I get to live so close to so many people my age and hang out and have fun like this? the real world won't be like college. I also enjoy learning (not so much the grades though). I love my jobs (RA and peer leader) even though they can be stressful- I love my freshmen and my residents. I love my staff and the people in first year programs. These are amazing, one of a kind jobs. I also just love the age I'm at right now- I need to stop rushing and just enjoy being where I'm at.
I love life and need to learn to be content all the time no matter whether it's been a good or bad is an adventure :)

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